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To the Reader.

knowledge should be strongly tempted to envy them to the Publick, to the end onely that a few Compilers should not be put upon so reasonable and easie a work, as by a few words or names to shew themselves just, if not grateful.

But not to keep the Reader any longer from the perusal of these Tracts themselves, I shall conclude with intimating onely, that what our Author saith in one of them concerning the Insufficiency of the Chymical Hypothesis for explaining the Effects of Nature, is not at all intended by him to derogate from the sober Professors of Chymistry, or to discourage them from useful Chymical Operations; forasmuch as I had the satisfaction, some years since, to see in the Authors hands a Discourse of his about the Usefulness of Chymistry for the Advancement of Natural Philosophy; with which also 'tis hoped he will e're long gratifie the Publick.