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Of the Mechanical Origine

ry ingeniously remov'd my ſuſpicions, and (as I requeſted) gave me leave to ſatisſie my ſelf further, by deſiring her to hold her warm hand at a convenient diſtance from one of thoſe Locks taken off and held in the air. For as ſoon as the did this, the lower end of the Lock, which was free, applied it ſelf preſently to her hand: which ſeem'd the more ſtrange, becauſe ſo great a multitude of Hair would not have been eaſily attracted by an ordinary Electrical Body, that had not been conſiderably large, or extraordinarily vigorous. This repeated Obſervation put me upon inquiring among ſome other young Ladies, whether they had obſerved any ſuch like thing, but I found little ſatisfaction to my Queſtion, except from one of them eminent for being ingenious, who told me, that ſometimes ſhe had met with theſe troubleſome Locks; but that all ſhe could tell me of the Circumſtances, which I would have been inform'd about, was, that they ſeem'd to her
