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of Electricity

dies ſeem'd to depend upon very ſmall circumſtances. And though forbearing at preſent, to offer you my thoughts about the cauſe of theſe ſurprifing Phænomena, I propoſe it onely as a Probleme to your ſelf and your curious Friends, yet the main circumſtances ſeeming to be of a Mechanical Nature, the recital of my Trials will not be impertinent to the Deſign and Subject of this paper.


I Took then a large and vigorous piece of Amber conveniently ſhaped for my purpoſe, and a downy feather, ſuch as grows upon the Bodies, not Wings or Tails of a ſomewhat large Chicken: Then having moderately excited the Electrick, I held the Amber ſo near it, that the neighbouring part of the feather was drawn by it and ſtuck faſt to it; but the remoter parts continued in their former poſture. This done, I applyed my fore-finger to theſe erected
