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of Heat and Cold.

sometimes to the new Quality they acquire in their Passage by associating themselves with the bloud or other fluids of the body, or to the expulsion of some calorific or frigorific Corpuscles, or to the Disposition they give the part on which they operate, to be more or less permeated and agitated than before by some subtile æthereal matter, or other Efficients of Heat or Cold. Some of these Conjectures about the Relative Nature of Potentially cold bodies, may be either confirmed or illustrated by such Instances as these; that Spirit of Wine being inwardly taken is potentially very hot, and yet being outwardly applied to some Burns and some hot Tumours does notably abate the Heat of the inflamed parts, though the same Spirit applied even outwardly to a tender eye will cause a great and dolorous agitation in it. And Camphire, which in the Dose of less than a half or perhaps a quarter of a Scruple, has been observed to dif-fuse