Page:Explanatory notes of a pack of Cavalier playing cards.djvu/34

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before the High Court of Justice.—(Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, vol. iii., page 141.) Of the beast in Daniel, it is said, "I beheld, and the same horn made war with the Saints . . . . but the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end."—(Daniel, chap, vii., verses 21 and 26.)

27. VII of Spades.

"Feek the seer."

Feek was one of Cromwell's officers, who at the celebrated meeting at Windsor, in 1648, declared that in a vision the Almighty had appeared to him and announced that Monarchy should never more prevail in England.—(The Saints Triumph, 1648, page 3.

28. VII of Diamonds.

"Marshall curseing Mevoz."

At Edgehill, "the reverend and renowned Master Marshall, Master Ask, Master Mourton, Masters Obadiah and John Sedgwick and Master Wilkins, and divers others, eminently pious and learned pastors rode up and down the army through the thickest dangers and in much personal hazard most faithfully and courageously exhorting and encouraging the soldiers to fight valiantly and not to fly, but now, if ever, to stand to it and fight for their religion and laws."—(Jehovah Jirah, by John Vicars, p. 200.)

29. VIII of Hearts.

"Lambert Kt. of ye golden Tulip."

When Lambert was cashiered by Parliament, he and eight other officers of the Army conspired to wrest the power from Parliament. The badge adopted by the conspirators was a yellow tulip.