Page:Explanatory notes of a pack of Cavalier playing cards.djvu/43

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37. X of Hearts

"The Rump and dreggs of the house of Com. remaining after the good Members were purged out."

The explanation of this Card will be found above. (See VIII of Clubs.)

38. X of Clubs

"Oliver seeking God while the K. is murtheted by his order."

Cromwell who signed the warrant for the Execution of Charles I., is said to have spent the night of the 29th of January, 1648, in prayer, and to have taken good care to let his fanatic followers know it.

39. X of Spades.

"A comitte at Haberdashers hall to spoyle the caualeers, as the Jews did the Egyptians."

Parliament, after the battle of Edgehill appointed a committee to sit at Haberdashers Hall to consider the fines to be imposed upon those of the King's adherents who had been taken prisoners there.

40. X of Diamonds.

"A comittee for plundered ministers, Miles Corbet in the chaire."

This card speaks for itself.

41. Knave of Hearts.

"Hugh Peters shews the bodkins and thimbles giuen by the wives of Wappinfor the good old cause."

Hugh Peters was born at Fowey, publicly whipped and expelled from the University of Cambridge, and obliged to leave England for