Page:Explication of Thomas Rymer's prophecies (2).pdf/5

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THE explication of the above prophecy concerning Hempe being come and alſo gone, and leaving Scotland and England join'd in one, is fulfilled in the late K William, who came out of Holland, which in o'd times was vulgarly call'd the land of Hempe, and the joining the two nations together, ſignifies, the union. Theſe things were foretold by the two Scots prophets in the reign of King Arthur iſt by the marvellous Merling, who is ſaid to be got by the devil, who raviſhed a young woman, his mother, in a wood near Coldſtream, in the ſouth of Scotland; afterwards to the ſame purpoſe theſe and many more ſtrange things which were foretold by Thos. Lermon, vulgarly call'd Thos. Rymer, becauſe he ſpoke his prophetical ſayings in rhyme, and ſo dark that they could not be underſtood till they came to paſs.

This Thos. Lermon or Rymer, was born at Erſlington, now called Heſlingtown ou Tweedſide about Kelſo. He is reported by hiſtorians to be a quite ſober man, given to no manner of vice but prone to piety and devotion a famous monthly prognoſticator concerning the ſtate of the weather, and government of the world by ſtudying the planets, He