Page:Explication of the prophecies of Thomas Rymer.pdf/5

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24 And after enemies thrown down,
and maſtered by war;
Then Scotland in peace quietly,
paſs joyful days for ever.

When Hempe is come and alſo gone,
Scotland and England ſhall be one.

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the VIII.

the VI.

of Spain,
M's Husband.



Praiſed be God alone, for Hempe is come and gone, And left us old Albion, by peace join'd in one.

THE explication of the above prophecies concerning Hempe, being come and alſo gone, and leaving Scotland and England join'd in one, is fulfilled in the late King William who came out of Holland, who in old time was vulgarly called the land of Hempe, and the joining the two nations together, ſignifies the union. Theſe things were foretold by the two Scots Prophets in the reign of King Arthur; firſt by the Marvellous Merling who is ſaid to be got by a devil who raviſhed a young woman his mother in a wood near Coldſtream in the ſouth of Scotland, afterwards to the ſame purpoſe, theſe and many more ſtrange things were foretold by Thomas Lermont, vulgarly called Thomas Rymer becauſe he ſpoke all his prophetical ſayings in rhyme,