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TIT-BITS, from all the most interesting Books, Periodicals and Contributors in the World. [Vols. I to 28, 4to, cloth, 3s. 6d. each. Vols. 1, 2, 4, 5, II, 19, and 20 are out of print.] THE STRAND MAGAZINE. An Illustrated Magazine. Edited by George Newnes. Vols. 1 to 10, cloth extra, gilt leaves. Price 6s. and 6s. 6d. each. [Vols. 1, 2, and 6 are out of print.] STRAND MUSICAL MAGAZINE. Edited by E. Hatzfeld. Vol. 1, 6s.; Vol. 2, 6s. 6d. Each Volume, bound in cloth extra, gilt leaves. THE PICTURE MAGAZINE. Vols. 1 to 6, each containing about 1,000 Pictures, cloth extra, gilt leaves, 6s. THE ORACLE ENCYCLOPEDIA. Volume 1, containing 720 pages. Cloth, 6s.; or in half-morocco, 10s. 6d. STRAND NOVELETTES. Three Vols., each containing Thirteen Stories, with Illustrations, cloth extra, 2s. each.

6,000 TIT-BITS OF CURIOUS INFORMATION. Being 6,000 Answers to 6,ooo Questions from the Enquiry Column of Tit-Bits, in 6 vols., price 2s. 6d. each. [Vol. 1 out of print.] Each Volume complete in itself.

SERIALS now in course of Publication.

THE STRAND MAGAZINE, 6d. monthly; cases for binding, 1s. THE STRAND MUSICAL MAGAZINE, 6d. monthly; cases for binding, 1s. 6d. THE PICTURE MAGAZINE, 6d. monthly; cases for binding, 1/4. THE ART BIBLE, 6d. monthly. To be completed in about 12 parts. THE ORACLE ENCYCLOPÆDIA, 6d. fortnightly; cases for binding, 1s. 6d. To be completed in 30 parts. THE WAY OF THE CROSS, 6d. monthly. To be completed in 10 parts. TIT-BITS, 1d. weekly; cases for binding, 1s. WOMAN'S LIFE, 1d. weekly; cases for binding, 1s. THE NAVY AND ARMY, Illustrated, 6d. fortnightly. ROUND LONDON, in 12 parts, 6d. monthly; cases for binding, 2s. THE SPORTFOLIO, in 6 parts. ENGLAND'S HISTORY, as pictured by her Famous Painters, in 12 parts.