Page:Exploits of wise Willy, and witty Eppie of Buckhaven.pdf/10

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Willie, for I hae a muckle wame, an' I fear i(illegible text) o'er true. O plague on ye Janet! for ye're the father o't, an I'm sure to die in bearing o't. Witty Eppie was sent for, as she was a koudie; an she fand Willie wame to be sure about it. Indeed co' h(illegible text)ppie, ye're the first man ever I saw wi' bairn before, an how ye'll bear it I dinna ken, ye hae a wally wame, well, I wat, but how men bear bairns I dinna ken. But I would drink salt, water, and drown it in my gu(illegible text) for if men get ance the gate o' bearing weans themselves, they'll seek nae mair wives. So Willie drank sea water, till his guts was like to rive, and out he got to ease himself in the kail-yard, and with the terrible noise of his farting up starts a maukin behind him, who thought it was shot; Willie seeing her jump over the dike, thought it was a child brought forth, and cries, out Come back, my dear, and be christened, and dinna rin to the hills to be a Pagan So Willie grew better every day thereafter, being brought to bed in the kail-yard, but his daughter was brought to bed some months after, which was the cause of the doctor's mistake.