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Attache in Mexico, but there to no indication that she intends to return to the United States. The second individual who actually recruited Coplon was Flora Don Wouschin. She married a Russian National and went to the Soviet Union. She was formerly employed by ONI and by the State Department.

Alger Hiss

Information from   reflects that on March 30, 1945, Anatolt a. Gromov, First Secretary and MGB representative at the Soviet Embassy in Washington, D.C., advised his Moscow headquarters concerning one "Ales." Gromov stated that in a conversation with "Ales" It was learned that he had for some years been the leader of a little group working for Soviet military Intelligence. It was stated that this group was composed mainly of "Ales'" relatives. It was also stated that after the Yalta Conference a certain responsible Soviet channel got in touch with "Ales" and on behalf of the Soviet Military Intelligence had thanked "Ales."

The above information very closely corresponds to—the information available through our investigation of Alger Hiss. The information from Whittaker Chambers does indicate that Hiss was active in Soviet espionage and that his wife, Priscilla, assisted him. We also know that Donald Hiss,, the brother of Alger, was an employee of the State Department. We also know that Hiss did attend the Yalta Conference as a special advisor to the late President Roosevelt. The information from   is being considered in connection with our continued interest in Alger Hiss.

Harry Dexter White

While Harry Dexter White was mentioned above in connection with the Silvermaster network, the information concerning him from   is of some special interest. He was designated under the cover name of "Jurist" and was in a position to furnish high-level information to the Soviets involving such persons as President Roosevelt, Henry A. Wallace, Cordell Hull, and Henry Morgenthau, Jr. On April 19, 1944, he furnished to the Soviets information that Vice President Wallace was to go to China. The   information also indicate that White
