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Joseph Katz

The information from   indicates one of the MGB's important agents in the United States in 1944 was Joseph Katz. Katz came to our attention on May 27, 1944, when we observed him in a clandestine meeting with Mikhail Chaliapin, a Soviet Consulate employee in New York City and a known Soviet espionage agent. We identified Katz through investigation in January, 1949, as Elizabeth Bentley'a superior "Jack," under whom she had operated in 1944. We now have five other person who will identify Katz as their espionage superior in the period 1938–1948. They are Harry Gold, Thomas L. Black, Amadeo Sabatini, Robert C. Menaker, and Floyd C. Miller, who are all the subjects of separate write-ups herein. On the basis of information from these individuals it would appear that for many years Katz operated in Soviet espionage, primarily in investigating and handling the infiltration in the United States of Soviet persons and groups. He apparently had a great deal of success. in his infiltration of the Socialist Workers Party (Trotskyite Party).

Katz, who was born March 15, 1912, in Lithuania, entered the United States with his parents on May 10, 1914. Katz's wife, Bessie, and daughter, Paula Jo, presently are living in New York City. Katz worked for the WPA from 1934 to 1936. He was a partner from 1939 to 1944 in the Meriden Dental Laboratories, Meriden, Connecticut. In 1941 Katz operated a parking lot in Upper Manhattan, New York City. In early 1944 he formed the Tempus Import company which he sold in 1945. He then entered the Merchant Marine, apparently in order to avoid the draft. Since 1948 he has operated in a number of report and export businesses.

Also since 1948 he has been out of the United States and is believed to be primarily residing in Paris, France. As of December 12, 1950, he was staying at the Hotel Luece in Paris. Katz apparently is afraid to return to the United States because of his activities in Soviet espionage in this country. Steps are being undertaken to see it will be possible to have the French Government deport Katz to the United States. We are also endeavoring to determine if the Criminal Division of the Department will authorize a complaint and warrant for Katz' arrest in the event we are able to put our hands on him. It Katz were willing to cooperate with us he could undoubtedly furnish us with an enormous amount of valuable information, enabling the prosecution of numerous Soviet agents in the United States. It is with this aim that we are carefully working towards his return to the United States.
