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"Komar" by the MGB and they were active in determining his activities and associates. They had a woman designated by the cover came of "Ola" who was to travel from Washington, D.C. to New York City to establish contact with Lydia Zetrin, the mistress of David Dallin, both of whom were active in Russian Social Democratic circles and were assisting Kravchenko. We have not been successful in identifying "Ola" to date, although we have conduct an extensive investigation in this respect. It is also noted that "Ola" was acquainted with Leora Peabody Cunningham and the Soviets knew that she was employed by the Naval Communications. We have interviewed Cunningham, who is now married to a man by the name of Tsatsoulas, and she is still employed by Naval Communications. There is no definite information to the effect that she was ever used by the MGB. We slo have interviewed Alexei Stoopenkov who apparently was acquainted with both Cunningham and "Ola." Stoopenkov has furnished us certain information which hos assisted us in our investigation, but has not definitely enabled us to identify "Ola." Stoopenkov presently is a State Department employee, working as a guard attached to the American Embassy in Ottawa, Canada.

Another Individual who was infiltrating the Russian Social Democratic group which was assisting Kravchenko, was a person designated by the cover name of "Tulip." It also appears that he was active in Trotskyite circles. Because of the lack of identifying information concerning him, we have not been successful in identifying him to date, although an active investigation is being carried out.

Prince Nicholas W. Orloff

We have recently identified, on the basis of information from   Soviet espionage age Prince Nicholas Orloff. Out information from   reflects that Orloff in 1944, was contemplating employment with either the State Department or OSS, but later was successful in getting employment as a interpreter with the United Nation, a position he still holds. We have just instituted an investigation of him to determine if he is still active as a Soviet espionage agent. Orloff is generally known as a White Russian, being related to the Czar's family/ However, some White Russian circles do not trust him fully. We hope through his wife, whom he described to the MGB as a great patriot, to possibly be able to get Orloff to cooperate with us.

