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had the prime interest in this material by reason of the fact that it was primarily domestic in nature. He stated, however, that a considerable amount of it dealt with fromer employees of OSS and inasmuch as CIA has a large number of former OSS employees on their staff, that they felt that they have a definite interest in this material. Mr. Harvey also said that he thought CIA might be of assistance to the Bureau in running out leads abroad which have developed from the Bureau's work on this material. He indicated that only two persons in CIA at the present time had access to the material and these were himself and his deputy Jason Paige.

You pointed out to Mr. Harvey that his Agency was always anxious to establish a liaison whenever CIA felt that there was something that they could drain from another agency but that they were not always prone to reciprocate and that you would consider the matter further after checking into the cases involved in this traffic.

It is felt that any discussion with CIA should be restrictive and limited to the two categories of cases suggested by Harvey. details concerning which are being set forth hereinafter/


The bulk of the cases stemming from   regarding the generation of OSS deal with the same group of individuals who were named by Elizabeth Bentley in November, 1945. A summary of the cases stemming from Elizabeth Bentley's disclosures dated February 21, 1946, was made available to Admiral Souers, then of the central Intelligence Group, on April 2, 1946. This included the data from Bentley regarding the penetration of OSS. In the following cases on Halperin, Lee, and Wheeler no discussion with CIA wou;d appear necessary as we have disseminated to them. IT may be that they will want to raise these cases from the standpoint of OSS documents abstracted and whether they can assist in locating such documents.

Maurice Halperin

Maurice Halperin was an OSS employee who was named by Elizabeth Bentley as engaged in Soviet espionage. He appears to be identical with the MGB agent identified in the   information under the cover now of Hare. According to Bentley, Halperin furnished bulletins and reports prepared by OSS to her

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