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As you know, the   information enabled our identification of Coplon as Soviet espionage agent. Two other individuals were involved with Coplon in her espionage activity in 1944, one being Marian Davis, now Marian D. Berdecio, who in married and living in Mexico City. She formerly played by ONI and by the coordinator of Inter-American affairs. We have a pending investigation on Berdecio. The second individual who actually recruited Coplon was Flora Don Wovschin, who presently is married and is believed to be in the Soviet Union. She formerly was played by ONI and by the State Department. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Enos Wicher, are presently in the United States and we are investigating them not only to determine whether they have any connections with Soviet espionage, but also in order that we may learn if Wovschin returns to the United States.


Our investigation of Fuchs was initiated on information from   We are currently attempting to identify Fuchs' American espionage contact, "Goose," who not only apparently operated Fuchs while Fuchs was in the United States, but also apparently was to operate Abraham Brothman, designated by the MG under the cover name of "Constructor." Brothman presently is operating a consulting engineering firm in New York City, and instructions have been issued to interview him and various of his associates in an effort to identity Goose. You will recall that Brothman was named by Bentley as having furnished information to her in 1940 — a fact admitted in interview by Brothman. A brief fully detailing the various aspects of this investigation has been submitted for your information.


The   information sets forth the attempts by the MGB to reactivate a person designated by the of name of Nik in Los Angeles in June, 1944. The information sets forth that Nik had ceased operation in behalf of a Soviet espionage contact because he was under surveillance by the FBI. He was being recontacted by a Soviet agent designated under the cover names of Douglas and Ike. Nik has been positively identified as Amadao Sabatini, who has been interviewed and is, to a certain extent, cooperative with us, although he is not wiling to furnish us any information

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