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R. S. Boggs, Index of Spanish Folktales.
FFC 90
Bear beheaded, 154; bullied by ass, 103 *A; by day man by night, 425; chases thieves, 957; deceived by fox, 1—65; disputes over beehive, *80; food, 154; Fox leads b to honey (wasps), 49; gelded, 153; husband, 425 C; loses tail in ice, 2; meets man brave enough to overcome him, 157; mistaken for parson, 116; pretends to be treetrunk, 154; rescues fox, 32; sick, 50; sinks claws into horse's flanks, 117*; skin, 361; taken for cat, 1161; taken for dog, 1312*; Titmouse tries to be as big as b, 228; two girls and dwarf, 426; Ungrateful b, 155; wishes to be painted, 8.

Beard, Gilding ogre's b, 1138; Hairs from Devil's b, 461; Never serve man with red b, 400 *B; Ogre's b caught, 1160.

Bears taught to play violin, 151.

Bear's son, 301; 650; wife, 425 C.

Beaten, Bear b by smith, 157; Devil b by smith, 330; Fox b to death, 154; Wolf b for washing beans away, *64.

Beating Peter at inn, 791; stick, 330.

Beautification by beheading or bathing in horse's sweat, 531.

Beautiful and ugly twin, 711; Persecution because of b wife, 465.

Beauty and the beast, 425; given by dwarfs, 403; Sleeping b, 410.

Bed, Brothers in b with giant's daughters, 328 *A; Buying place in lost husband's bed, 313, 425; Disenchanted by sleeping in girl's b, 440; Girl changes b with witch's daughter, *453; To whom princess turns in b, 571—574, 621, 850.

Bee helped by ant against cat, 222; helper, 554; hit by fool on mayor, 1586; Race of wolf and b, 275 *B.

Beehive, All flowers (b), *860; Cat in b, 222; Dispute over b, *80.

Beetle as helper, 513 A, 621.

Beggar, Anthony as b answers questions, 922; Thief as b woman, *973; trusts God not king, 841; turns unkind woman into cow, 473.

Beheading beautifies, 531; Disenchanting by b, 425, 440, 471, 545, 550, 708; giants one by one, 304; thief, 950; thieves one by one, 302 *A, 956 A.

Bell falls into sea, 1278; Mice buy b for cat, 110; on horse rung by fox, 40*.

Bells ring for bishop, 921.

Belly, Hiding in fish's b, 329; Needle in elk's b, 90;