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R. S. Boggs, Index of Spanish Folktales.
FFC 90
Blinded by jealous queen, *455.

Blinding the guard, 73; the ogre, 1135, 1137.

Blindman and bull, *1699; encountered by fleeing fox, *135 A.

Blindness, See sight restored.

Blindvvorm and nightingale each has one eye, 234.

Blood brothers, 303; brother's wife, 1364; of children revives servant, 516; River of b is Christ, 471 *A; Sham b and brains, 3; sucked to revive girl, 516; Water becomes b as danger sign, 303.

Bloodpudding chokes spy, 1536 A.

Blower, Extraordinary b, 513.

Blowing in the house, 124.

Blue Beard, 312; belt or bands give strength, 590; Spirit in b light, 562.

Boastful deerslayer, 830; servant, 2404; tailor, *1710.

Boasting of wife, 880.

Boat, Burning p, 1330; gets tired, 1277; Selfmoving b, 400; tarred, 1156.

Body, Buying looks at girl's b, 850, 900 *A; Helping devil demands part of body (nailparing), 1181.

Bone, Boy revives from planted b, 720 *A; in wolf's throat removed by crane, 76; Singing b 780.

Bones become cow, 804; (nutshells) creak, 501 *A; Horseskin bag filled with gold (b), 311 *A.

Booty, Animals enticed from b, 15*.

Born of fish, 705.

Both?, 1563.

Bottle, Spirit in b, 331, *340.

Bouquet of all waters, *860.

Bow, Hunter bends b, 246.

Bowing backwards, 875.

Box becomes carriage, *557; of money for following advice, 910 B; on ears, 1372; Teresa opens forbidden b, 836 *F.

Boy applies sermon, 1833; at witch's house, 327*; in cage of twoface man, 327 *F; in drum, 700; in thieves' den, 327 *E; Lazy b, 675; on wolf's tail, 1875; revives from planted bone, 720 *A; size of needle or garlic, 700; sold to Devil, 314; Stones about b, 1525—1874; who died of fear, 326 *B; who had never seen women, 1678; who knew no fear, 326; who learned many things, 517; with active imagination, 2411.

Boy's disasters, 1681.

Brains (buttermilk) of fox knocked out, 3.

Brambles, Forced dancer in b, 592; Skinned wolf in b, 1.

Branch, Not marry while b stays green, 711 *A; of bitterness, *445 B.

Branches twining 966**.