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R. S. Boggs, Index of Spanish Folktales.
FFC 90
Insects win battle with quadrupeds, 222.

Insults make princess talk, *860.

Intelligence and luck, 945.

Intestines, Lizard in wolf's i, 121.

Intruder steals man's clothes, 1360 A.

Invaders, Cocks crow to warn one another of i, *205.

Invisible beings' conversation reveals how to obtain girl, 516; Cap renders wearer i, 302 *A; suit of king, 1620.

Invitations to dine of fox and crane, 60.

Invited dead friend, 470; skull, 470, *835; statue of Christ, 750 B.

Invulnerable horse, 756 B.

Iron Henry, 440; house, 124; is more precious than gold, 677; man and ogre, 1162; Oath on i, 44; Strong John made of i, 650.

Iron, See shoes.

Island, Abandonment on i, 1118*.

Jack the giant killer, 328.

Jackdaw teaches fox to fly, 225.

Jar dragged, *1703.

Jay borrows cuckoo's skin, 235.

Jealous, Mother j of daughter's beauty, *449, 706; Priest j of flageolet player, *1844; Queen j of nieces' beauty, *455; Stepmother j of stepdaughter's beauty, 709.

Jesus creates swallow, *243.

Jesus, See Christ.

Jew among thorns, 592; Wandering J, 754***.

Jews drawn from Heaven, 2403.

Jeweler, Ungrateful j, 160.

Jewels drop from girl's mouth, 403; from magic nut, 511; removed and girl revives, 709; stolen from corpse, *1654.

Jewess, Man curses day he married J, *980 C.

Job, 947 *A.

John the Bear, 301; Strong J, 650.

Joke, 1200—1999.

Jorinde and Joringel, 405.

Joseph answers the twelve words to Devil for pauper, *2045; finds rich husband for devoted girl, *769 A; shows justice of his action, 759.

Journey to Fortune, 460 B; to God, 460 A; to Hell, 466**, to other world, 465 C, 470; Wedding j of prince, 516—518.

Jovinian, 757.

Juan, Don J, *835.

Judge carried off by Devil, 821, 1186; Outriddling j, 927; Outwitting j, 1525; protects poor man, 1535 *A; Wife as j frees husband, 890.

Judge's oxen stolen and wife seduced, 1525.