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R. S. Boggs, Index of Spanish Folktales.
FFC 90

my husband where he left the hammer and anvil." Dying man's wife says, "If you go to Heaven, as you surely will, if you die, as you surely will not, do not run around and get into trouble, but sit down by the Eternal Father and observe and keep still" [J 1481]. Cf BLC II 16.
as 1. LRAC no 117.

*806. Stepmother sends girls with father's lunch but warns them not to give any to Virgin. First two obey and are sent to Hell where they are slashed on bed of razors and thrown into boiling pots. But third gives food to Virgin willingly and is sent to Heaven. St. Peter gives her three golden balls to play with. One by one she drops them and they land in Hell, but St. Peter recovers them for her. One falls on a mirror and breaks it. After awhile she is sent back to earth. ar 1. ECPE no 152: Mt *806 + 780 *B.
*807. Three musicians who play at ecclesiastical ceremonies and are great gluttons die at the same time and go to Heaven's gate. St. Peter opens the gate wide for a missionary and the musicians slip in [K 2370]. Ihey are told St. James is going to deliver a sermon and are invited to attend. But they slip out, thinking to return when it is over. St. Peter shuts the gate after them. as 1. CFAC p. 184.
*808. Man dies and goes to Heaven but tells St. Peter he desires to return to earth. St. Peter shoves him inside. He appeals to Death and Eternal Father but cannot get permission to return. He appeals to an old friend. Finally God puts him back on earth before his own house one year after his death. His family does not recognize him. His mother is praying for him and he