Page:FM Bailey letters from LA Bethell.pdf/26

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Letter 15, 14th May 1936

same thing has always happened to even the most famous soldiers or sailors who have gone into Parliament, from Wellington onwards.

     Very glad to see that Mrs Bailey has found her magician: and in Vienna. They have some first-class brains there, but what a pity that so many of the best are Jews, and will now have short shrift. A good number of them have flocked into this country in the past

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few weeks. Though I dislike Jews, I really think this country will be the gainer.

     Thank you, also, for the “Statesman” cutting. Very amusing to find that one's pet lies now gain currency as traditional fact! There wasn't a word of truth in my yarn. The unfortunate Newman, now living at Chislehurst, has gone quite blind, and dictates all his articles to a secretary.

     May I say that the most heartening thing, to me, in your letter, is the generous way in which you have forgiven me for the advice I ventured to write to you, in my last letter? Time and again since writing it, I've wondered if I weren't exceeding the limits of what you would permit in thus butting in, unasked.

     May I add that anything I can do, now or in the future, to make your plans in England a success, that I will gladly do.

Very sincerely
L. A. Bethell

Letter 15, 14th May 1936

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37, Paternoster Row, E.C.

14 . V . 36

My dear Bailey,

               Very many thanks for letting me see the enclosed, which I return, registered, as soon as possible, lest accident befall it – it is obviously valuable.

     The whole thing is most tantalisingly allusive – and makes one impatient for the full facts underlying it – especially in your regard. But I suppose we shall none of us hear the full story of what happened during that time they were chasing you, until you can be induced to write the whole thing yourself. Helped out by what little I can remember of what you told me that time in Quetta, and a certain amount of my imagination thrown in, I was able to do no more than hint at it all in “Adedoids”: but if