Page:FM Bailey letters from LA Bethell.pdf/28

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Letter 17, 20th June 1938

intention to send him a wire, “Bon Voyage”, at the last moment. Except for this contretemps, his phone call would have caught me.

(E. Was F. M. Bailey to his mother - ‘Eric’ to distinguish him from his father, also Frederick)

     Have you knowledge of any last moment message he wanted to convey, or last problem to put? Busy as he must have been at the last moment, he is not the man to have taken time and trouble over two cables (as I am informed) without some good reason. Possibly, when you write to him, you could enclose this note – explanation as it is, as well as inquiry.

     I was, and am, genuinely distressed about his eye trouble. Eyes so often depend on general good health, and one is left with the fear that not only in the climate of his present surroundings, a

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trial to him, but it must be the worst possible thing for a man who, throughout his life, has taken no trouble whatever about his well-being and has worked his longsuffering body to its last limits. For that reason alone, I welcome the fact that his work in Nepal is within measurable distance of its end. It was, past words, good to see him again. He doesn't change and old times came back, insistently, with every word and gesture.

     Again, also, I was more than glad to resume, with you, a contact which, in Dorking, now seems a long while ago.

Very sincerely
L.A. Bethell

I have written that I did not know exactly what it was you wanted to say on the telephone but know it was either about his or your work and that you would write him yourself.


Letter 17, 20th June 1938

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107, Hillfield Court,

Belsize Avenue,

N. W. 3

Monday, 20 . VI . 38, 9pm

My dear Bailey,

               I've only this moment got your letter of 17th – hence my apology for delay in answering. I was away from office over the weekend.

     I'm really glad to know you are within arm's length once more: particularly as I have practically finished the book of which I spoke when last you were at home.