Page:FM Bailey letters from LA Bethell.pdf/32

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Letter 21, 18th December 1938

     I am just off to Aldershot to stay with a pal, C.R.E., there, for a long weekend. Am “on leave” for the moment from the office – a three weeks due to me last July but which I have only now been able to take. Gives you some notion of what the work has been. But when I get back I'll ring you up – times as directed – and we'll fix a meeting. I've much to discuss with you.

     You've only just missed a man I badly wanted you to meet, one Stanford, retired I.C.S.,

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junior partner in the Stanford map making firm. A keen ornithologist, and only 3 days ago sailed to join a composite party of shikar, exploration, and Natural History generally in N.E. Burma, in the little-known country between “The Triangle” and the Salween. He knows – or has heard – a lot about your birds, and was equally keen to meet you. But in the short time available I didn't know if you were back in Town, or where to lay hands on you. He will be back next April and anticipates a haul of unusual trove.

     The proof reading of the book is finished, publication shortly. You shall have one of the first copies. I think it may be an efficient curtain raiser to any book of your own Memoirs you may publish, and send two for that purpose. At the least, it should rouse considerable curiosity and there are bound to be a number of the people who matter, who will be able to identify “Drummond” with F.M.B.

     A bientot, then

Yours ever
L. A. Bethell

Letter 21, 18th December 1938

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And, (I had almost forgotten) the
best of Xmas wishes to both of you.

72, Hillfield Court,

Belsize Avenue,

N. W. 3

18 . XII .

My dear Bailey,

               Many thanks for yours of yesterday.

     I lost no time in getting down to KINTHUP. I've been through your typescript twice, the second time confirming my first impression that a paper like this needs a map, however rough and diagrammatic, and as many illustrations of salient spots as you can lay hands on. You see, for all that Maga’s readers are probably the best