Page:Fables of Aesop and other eminent mythologists.djvu/173

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Æſop's FABLES.


Mercury and a Carpenter.

A Carpenter dropt his Axe into a River, and put up a Prayer to Mercury to help him to't again. Mercury Div'd for't, and brought him up a Golden One: but That was nor it the Fellow ſaid: And ſo he Plung’d a Second Time, and Fetch’d up Another, of Silver. He ſayd That was not it neither. He try'd once again, and then Up comes an Axe with a Wooden Handle, which the Carpenter, ſayd was the very Tool that he had Loſt. Well! (ſays Mercury) thou art ſo Juſt a Poor Wretch, that I'le give thee All Three now for thy Honeſty. This Story was got into Every bodies Mouth, and the Rumour being Spread, it came into a Knaves Head to Try the Same Experiment over again. And ſo away goes He and Down he Sits, Sniv'ling and Whelping upon the Bank of a River, that he had Dropt his Axe into the Water there. Mercury, that was at hand it ſeems, heard his Lamentation, and Dipping once again for his Axe, as he had done for the Other; up he brings him a Golden Axe, and Asks the Fellow if That were it. Yes, ſays he, This is it. Oh thou Impudent Sot, cryes Mercury; to think of putting Tricks upon Him that ſees through the very Heart of thee.

The Moral.

The Great Searcher of our Hearts is not to be Impos'd upon, but he will take his Own Time either to Reward or Puniſh.


Heaven Hates Diſſemblers, and Hypocrites, as it Loves men of Truth and Integrity. He that fancyes he can Impoſe upon Jupiter takes him for a Cully.

Baudoin Morallizes the Matter thus; that Mercury's called upon, and Sent, as the Patron of Artizans. The Practice of Truth and Juſtice can never fail of a Reward in the Concluſion, and the bringing in of a God to the Reliefe of a Poor Man, ſhews that it is from Heaven that the Needy are to Expect Redreſs.

Here are Two Men at their Prayers; The One a Downright Plain Dealer; and the Other, a Trimming, Deſigning Hypocrite. The Former has a Reverence in his Heart for the Power that he Invokes; He is not to be Corrupted with Gold, or Silver. He ſtands in Awe of his Conſcience, and makes good his Profeſſion, with his Practice: Receiving in the End, the Bleſſing of a Reward for his Integrity. The Other Worſhips with his Eyes, his Hands, and his Voyce; but All This is only to Cover the Cheat of a Rotten-Heart. He acknowledges a Divine Power, but at theSame