Page:Fables of Aesop and other eminent mythologists.djvu/245

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Barlandus's FABLES.


'TIS Dangerous Truſling to ſpecious Pretexts of Civility and Kindneſs, where People are not well aſſur'd of the Faith and Good Nature of Thoſe they have to do withall; In which caſe, the Butchery, and the Breach of Hoſpitality Repreſented in This Fable, under a Maſque of Friendſhip, was no more, then what might Reaſonably enough be Expected under ſuch Circumſtances. There are Men of Prey as well as Beaſts and Birds of Prey, and for Thoſe that Live upon, and Delight in Bloud, there’s no Truſting of them: for let them pretend what they will, they Govern themſelves, and take their Meaſures according to their Intereſts, and Appetites. 'Tis a Hard Caſe yet, for Men to be forc'd upon Ill Nature, in their Own Defence, and to fuſpect the Good Faith of Thoſe, that give us All the Proteſtations and Aſſurance of Friendſhip, and Fair Dealing that One Man can give Another. Nay the very Suſpicion is an Affront, and almoſt ſufficient to Authorize ſome ſort of Revenge. He that Violates the Neceſſary Truſt and Confidence that One Man ought to Repoſe in Another, does what in Him lies, to Diſſolve the very Bond of Humane Society; for there's no Treachery ſo Cloſe, ſo Sure, and ſo Pernicious, as That which Works under a Veil of Kindneſs. We ſet Toyls, Nets, Gins, Snares, and Traps for Beaſts and Birds 'tis True; and we Bait Hooks for Fiſhes; But All This is done in their Own Haunts, and Walks, and without any Seal of Faith and Confidence in the Matter: but to break the Laws of Hoſpitality, and Tenderneſs; To Betray our Gueſts under our Own Roofs, and to Murder them at our Own Tables; This is a Practice only for Men and Vulturs to be Guilty of.


Buſtards and Cranes.

SOme Sports-men that were abroad upon Game, ſpy'd a Company of Buſtards and Cranes a Feeding together, and ſo made in upon ’em as faſt their Horſes could carry them, The Cranes that were Light, took Wing immediately, and ſav'd themſelves, but the Buſtards were Taken; for they were Fat, and Heavy, and could not Shift ſo well as the Other.


Light of Body and Light of Purſe comes much to a Caſe in Troubleſome Times; Only the One ſaves himfelf by his Activity, and the Other ſcapes becauſe he is not worth the Takings