Page:Fables of Aesop and other eminent mythologists.djvu/444

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FABLES of ſeveral Authors.

The Moral.

Poverty is both Safe and Eaſie; and Riches a Great Snare to People in many Caſes: As it far'd worſe here with the State-Aſs then with the Muletiers.


The Poor Peaceable Man has nothing to Fear, but does his Buſ'neſs, and takes his Reſt, without the Trouble either of Thieves or of Alarums. ’Tis the Booty, not the Man, (ſave only for the Booty’s Sake,) that is in Danger. There's either Mony or Monys-worth, in all the Controverſies of Life; for we live in a Mercenary World, and 'tis the Price, in ſome ſort or other, of all things that are in it; but as it certainly draws Envy and Hazzard after it, ſo there are great Advantages go along with it, and great Bleſſings that attend the right uſe of it. And ſo for Poverty too; a narrow Fortune is undoubtedly a Cramp to a great Mind, and lays a Man under a Thouſand Incapacities of ſerving either his Country or his Friend; but it has the Comforts yet of being free from the Cares and Perils that accompany great Maſſes of Treaſure and Plentiful Eſtates. Beſide, that the Virtue of a Generous and a Charitable Tenderneſs of Nature, is never the leſs Acceptable to him that takes the Will for the Deed, for want of Ability to put thoſe good Inclinations in Execution. This Fable in ſhort, makes good the old Saying,

No Man Sings a Merrier Note
Then he that cannot change a Groat.


A Boar Challenges an Aſs.

THere pafsd ſome Hard Words betwixt a Boar and an Aſs, and a Challenge follow'd upon't. The Boar depended upon his Tusks, and computed within himſelf, that Head to Head the 'tother could never be able to Encounter him. So he Advanc'd upon his Adverſary: And the Aſs, ſo ſoon as ever he had him within Diſtance, turn'd Tayl upon him, and gave him ſuch a Laſh over the Chops with his Iron Hoof, that he made him ſtagger again. The Boar after a little Pauſe, Recover'd himſelf. Well, (ſays he) I was not aware of ſuch an Attack from that End.
