Page:Fables of Aesop and other eminent mythologists.djvu/54

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The Life of ÆSOP.

of Apollo to know what Wickedneſs it was had brought theſe Calamities upon Them. The Oracle gave them this Anſwer, That they were to Expiate for the Death of Æſop. In the Conſcience of their Barbarity, they Erected a Pyramid to his Honor, and it is upon Tradition, that a Great Many of the Moſt Eminent Men among the Greeks of that Seaſon, went afterwards to Delphos upon the News of the Tragical End of Æſop, to Learn the Truth of the Hiſtory, and found upon Enquiry, That the Principal of the Conſpirators had layd Violent hands upon Themſelves.