Page:Faction display'd. A poem. Answer'd paragraph by paragraph.pdf/48

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Now the Assembly to adjourn prepar'd,
When Bibliopolo from behind appear'd,
As well describ'd by th' old Satyrick Bard;
With leering Looks, Bullfac'd, and Freckled fair,
With two left Legs, and Judas-colour'd Hair,
With Frowzy Pores, that taint the ambient Air.
Sweating and Puffing for a while he stood,
And then broke forth in this Insulting Mood.
I am the Touchstone of all Modern Wit,
Without my Stamp in vain your Poets write.
Those only purchase everliving Fame,
That in my Miscellany plant their Name.
Nor therefore think that I can bring no Aid,
I'll print your Pamphlets, and your Rumours spread.