Page:Fairview Boys at Lighthouse Cove.djvu/123

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But the morning passed, and no rescuing ship came to them. The boys, with hearts that were much discouraged, prepared their dinner. They had seen several vessels, but though they waved pieces of sails to attract attention, the other craft did not change their course. They even shouted and blew the big fog horn, but they knew they were too far off to be heard.

"Oh, well, we'll get picked up sometime," said Frank, as cheerfully as he could, "and we've got enough to eat for over a week."

The boys were at dinner in the cabin, and the schooner was going along under the pressure from a wind that was getting more and more strong.

"Pass the beans," asked Sammy, for they had plenty of the canned variety.

"Hark!" exclaimed Frank, pausing midway in reaching the dish over to his chum. "Did you hear anything?"

"I didn't," said Sammy.

"There it goes!" cried Frank. "Listen!"

As they listened intently they all heard a dull boom, coming from somewhere in the distance.

"A cannon!" cried Bob.

"Someone is firing at us!" exclaimed Sammy.

"More likely it's a signal gun!" burst out Frank. "Some ship has seen our distress signal. Come on up deck!"

He rushed from the table, followed by the others. Then, to their surprise and delight, they saw a steamer headed directly for them, and from her bow there shot a puff of white smoke. It was a signal gun she was firing, to let the boys know she was coming to their rescue.