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order that they might witness the splendid fête she was about to give on this occasion. She took enormous pains about it, and five or six volumes would not suffice to contain the description of the comedies, operas, runnings at the ring, concerts, combats of gladiators, huntings, and other magnificent diversions, which took place at these charming nuptials. The most singular circumstance was, that each nymph found amongst the brave officers whom Gentille had wafted to these beautiful regions, a husband as passionately attached to her as if he had known her for ten years. It was nevertheless only an acquaintance of four-and-twenty hours, but the little wand of a Fairy could produce effects even still more extraordinary.

Where have ye fled, ye happy days,
When, by the power of a Fairy,
Good folks might 'scape a thousand ways
Out of the very worst quandary?—
When, with a cap or flow'r, one might
Make any change, play any gambol,—
Invisible, see every sight,
And round the world, through æther, ramble?
Leander a rich rose possess'd,
Which yielded money without measure;
Another rose the wearer bless'd
With perfect health—a greater treasure;
A third he had, which you must know,
I think, was less to be desired,—
The truth or falsehood it could show
Of the fair lady he admired.
Alas! to such a case as this
The old quotation well applies—
In love, if "ignorance is bliss,
'Tis," indeed, "folly to be wise."