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kingdom of Pagodia. They returned to it immediately, and passed the rest of their days in as much happiness as they had previously endured afflictions and anxieties.

Too oft is curiosity
The cause of fatal woe;
A secret which may hurtful be,
Why should we seek to know?

The weakness 'tis of womankind,
Witness the first created;
From whom Pandora was design'd,
And Psyche imitated.

Each, spite of warning, on the same
Forbidden quest intent,
Of her own misery became
The fatal instrument.

Psyche's example fail'd to save
Poor Laidronette from erring;
Like warning she was led to brave,
Like punishment incurring.

Alas! for human common sense,
No tale, no caution, schools!
The proverb says, Experience
Can render wise e'en fools:—

But when of our own errors past,
The lessons we despise,—
Despite the shadows forward cast,—
I fear the proverb lies.