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to it, than he hath to heaven and earth, for he says, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. He hath such regard to it, that he will never break it, but ever keep it.

3. He hath respect to his Covenant, when he establishes it. And when we pray that he would have respect to the Covenant we not only pray he would remember the Covenant, and regard the Covenant, but establish the Covenant betwixt him and us, as he said to Abraham, Gen. xvii. 7. "I will establish it between me and thee, and thy seed after thee." He shews respect unto the Covenant, when he makes the Covenant take hold of us, and makes us take hold of the Covenant; for then, he makes us put respect upon him, and upon his Covenant.

4. He hath respect to the Covenant, when he performs the Covenant Promise, according to Micah vii. 20. "Thou wilt perform the truth to Jacob, and the mercy to Abraham, which thou hast sworn to our fathers from the days of old." And he does this, when he acts according to the Covenant, or according to the mercy that made the promise, and the truth that is engaged to make out the promise.

In short, the sum of this prayer, as it concerns the import of the word Respect, Have respect to the Covenant, is, Lord, remember the Covenant, and so remember me; Lord, have regard to the Covenant, and let me be remembered on this ground, when there is no reason why I should be regarded; Lord, Establish the Covenant with me, and so put honour upon thy