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4. Have reſpect to the covenant, by having a reſpect
to the properties of the covenant. This would be a large
field; I ſum it up in a few words. Have reſpect to the co-
venant; that is, Lord have reſpect to the fulneſs of the co-
venant; and let me be ſupplied, for there is enough there;
it contains all my ſalvation and all my deſire.' Have re-
ſpect to the freedom of the covenant, and let me, however
unworthy, ſhare of the grace that runs freely thence. Have
reſpect to the ſtability of the covenant, and let me, be pi-
tied, though unſtable as water, and infirm, yet the cove-
nant ſtands faſt; remember thy word that endures for e-
ver.' Have reſpect to the order of the covenant, that is
well ordered in all things, as well as ſure. Though my
houſe be not ſo with God,' says David, yet he hath made
with me an everlaſting covenant, well ordered in all things
and ſure.' Though my houſe be out of order, and heart
out of order, and my frame out of order, and all be in
confuſion with me, yet ſee, according to thy covenant, to
order all well.
IV. We proceed to ſhew what kind of a reſpect he hath
to the covenant, that we may be the more engaged to
plead upon it.
1. He hath a great and high reſpect to the covenant. It
is the covenant of the great God, with his great and eter-
nal Son, for the honour and glory of his great name; and
therefore, he cannot but have a great and high reſpect un-
to it. His great name is manifeſted in it; and therefore,
when we plead his reſpect to the covenant, we plead in
effect, ſaying, What wilt shou do for thy great name?'
2. He hath a dear and lovely reſpect to the covenant, for
it is the covenant of his grace and love, wherein he ſhews
his infinite love to Chriſt, and thro' him to a company of
wretched ſinners. It is a covenant of kindneſs, Isa. 54.10.
My kindneſs ſhall not depart from thee, neither ſhall the
covenant of my peace be removed, faith the Lord, that
hath mercy on thee;' intimating, his covenant of peace is
a covenant of kindneſs, wherein he manifeſts his deareſt
love; therefore he hath a dear reſpect to it.
3. He hath a full reſpect to the covenant, a reſpect to
every promiſe, of it they are all yea and amen, to the
glory of God,' 2 Cor. 1. 20. He hath a reſpect to all of
them becauſe they are all yea and amen, and becauſe
they are all thus ratified in Chriſt, to the glory of God.