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vivifying, because it gives life to the world.” Ibid. Com. in c. iii. Isaiæ, T. ii. p. 368.

ST. ATHANASIUS, G. C. “Our Sanctuaries are now pure, as they always were; having been rendered venerable by the blood alone of Christ, and embellished by his worship.” Apol. adv. Arian. T. 1. p. 127.—“ Take care then, O Deacon, not to give to the unworthy the blood of the immaculate body, lest you incur the guilt of giving holy things to dogs.” Serm. de Incontam. Myst. T. ii. p. 35. Collect. Nova. Montfaucon.Parisiis, 1706.

St. Hilary, L. C. “ If the Word, truly, was made flesh, and we, truly, receive this Word for our food: how can he be thought not to dwell naturally in us, who assumed the nature of our flesh inseparably united to him, and communicates, in the sacrament, that nature to us? For thus, we are all one : because the Father is in Christ, and Christ in us. We are not to speak of heavenly things as we do of human."—Of the natural verity of Christ in us, whatever we speak, we speak foolishly and wickedly, unless we learn of him; for it is he that said: my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. (Jo. 6. 56.) There is no place to doubt of the truth of Christ's flesh and blood; for now, by the profession of the Lord himself, and according to our belief, it is truly flesh, and truly blood. But he himself attests how we are in him by the sacramental communication of his body and blood : And the world, says he, sees me not, but you see me, because I live and you shall live ; for I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. (John xiv. 19, 20). If he wished the unity of will alone to be