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vocation of the sacred baptism, together with the Father and the Son, the Holy Ghost is invoked as delivering from sins; since on the mysterious table, it is he who from the common bread, produces the very body of Jesus Christ incarnate; whence comes it, О foolish man—that thou teachest, that the Holy Spirit was made or created, and that he is not of an independent nature, operating by himself, and consubstantial with the kingly and divine essence of the Father and the Son?" Lib. 1. Ep. cix. ad Marathonium Monachum, p. 34. Parisiis, 1638.

Sr. CYRIL OF ALEXANDRIA, G.C.—“I am the living bread that came down from heaven. (Jo. vi. 54.) The manna, he says, was the type, was the shadow, and the image. Hear again how openly and plainly he speaks: I am the living bread ; if any one shall eat of this bread, he shall live for ever. They that ate of the manna, are dead; because it gave not life: he that eats this bread, that is, me, or my flesh, shall live for ever." Comment. in Joan. L. iv. c. 10. T. iv. p. 352.4 -“ Our Lord Jesus, by his own flesh, gives life to us, and inserts, as it were, in us, the seed of immortality, destroying all the corruption that is in us.—And his blood is not that of any common man, but that of his own natural life. Wherefore, receiving the Son within us, we are called the body and members of Christ.” Ibid. c. 16. p. 363.4.-“ For he that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him. (Jo. vi. 57.) For as, if any one join two pieces of wax together, he will find one piece entirely incorporated with the other; so, in my opinion, he who receives the flesh of our Saviour Christ, and drinks his precious blood, by the