Page:Familiar Letters between the Principal Characters in David Simple.pdf/16

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Much leſs is it adapted to the Novel or Story-Writer; for what difference is there, whether a Tale is related this or any other way? And ſure no one will contend, that the epiſtolary Style is in general the moſt proper to a Noveliſt, or that it hath been uſed by the beſt Writers of this Kind.

It is not my Purpoſe here to write a large Diſſertation on Style in general, nor to aſſign what is proper to the Hiſtorian, what to the Romance, and what to the Novel-writer, nor to obſerve in what manner all theſe differ from each other; it is ſufficient to have obviated an Objection, which, I foreſaw, might be made to theſe little Volumes by ſome, who are in truth as incapable of knowing any of the Faults as of reaping any of the Beauties of an Author; and I aſſure them, there is no Branch of Criticiſm, in which Learning, as well as Good-ſenſe is more required, than to the forming an accurate Judgment of Style, tho' there is none, I believe, in which every trifling Reader is more ready to give his Deciſion.

Instead of laying down any Rules for the uſe of ſuch Tyros in the critical Art, I ſhall recommend them to one, who is a Maſter of Style, as of every other Excel-

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