Page:Familiar letters of Henry David Thoreau.djvu/137

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jsT.26.] TO HELEN THOREAU. 113

that I only describe my personal adventures with people ; but I hope to see more of them, and judge them too. I am sorry to learn, that Mrs. Emerson is no better. But let her know that the Fates pay a compliment to those whom they make sick, and they have not to ask, " What have I done ? "

Kemember me to your mother, and remember me yourself as you are remembered by

H. D. T.

I had a friendly and cheery letter from Lane a month ago.


STATEN ISLAND, July 21, 1843.

DEAK HELEN, I am not in such haste to write home when I remember that I make my readers pay the postage. But I believe I have not taxed you before.

I have pretty much explored this island, in land, and along the shore, finding my health inclined me to the peripatetic philosophy. I have visited telegraph stations, Sailors Snug Harbors, Seaman s Retreats, Old Elm-Trees, where the Huguenots landed, Britton s Mills, and all the villages on the island. Last Sunday I walked over to Lake Island Farm, eight or nine miles from here, where Moses Prichard