Page:Familiar letters of Henry David Thoreau.djvu/344

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just died in the south of France at the age of forty. Yet I had no doubt you would get quite enough of me. Do not give it up so easily. The old house is still empty, and Hosmer is easy to treat with.

Channing was here about ten days ago. I told him of my visit to you, and that he too must go and see you and your country. 1 This may have suggested his writing to you.

That island lodge, especially for some weeks in a summer, and new explorations in your vicin ity, are certainly very alluring ; but such are my engagements to myself, that I dare not promise to wend your way, but will for the present only heartily thank you for your kind and generous offer. When my vacation comes, then look out.

My legs have grown considerably stronger, and that is all that ails me a

But I wish now above all to inform you, though I suppose you will not be particularly interested, that Cholmondeley has gone to the Crimea, " a complete soldier," with a design, when he returns, if he ever returns, to buy a cottage in the South of England, and tempt me over ; but that, before going, he busied himself in buying, and has caused to be forwarded to me

1 Mr. Channing 1 became a frequent visitor at Brooklawn, in the years of his residence at New Bedford, 1856-58. See p. 324.