Page:Familiar letters of Henry David Thoreau.djvu/393

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depression of spirits you refer to ? It suggests to me cider-mills, wine-presses, etc., etc. All kinds of pressure or power should be used and made to turn some kind of machinery.

Channing was just leaving Concord for Plym outh when I arrived, but said he should be here again in two or three days.

Please remember me to your family, and say that I have at length learned to sing Tom Bow- lin according to the notes.


CONCORD, September 9, 1857.

FRIEND RICKETSON, I thank you for your kind invitation to visit you, but I have taken so many vacations this year, at New Bedford, Cape Cod, and Maine, that any more relaxa tion call it rather dissipation will cover me with shame and disgrace. I have not earned what I have already enjoyed. As some heads cannot carry much wine, so it would seem that I cannot bear so much society as you can. I have an immense appetite for solitude, like an infant for sleep, and if I don t get enough of it this year, I shall cry all the next.

My mother s house is full at present ; but if it were not, I would have no right to invite you hither, while entertaining such designs as I have hinted at, However, if you care to storm the