Page:Famous Living Americans, with Portraits.djvu/149

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lines. Its fellowship grows stronger with its growth among the nations. Wherever its influence reaches it purifies the atmosphere until all who feel its near approach breathe the spirit of fellowship. Dr. Clark relates an incident typical in its illustration of this influence for Christian fellowship and universal brotherhood:

"The late Joseph Parker voiced this idea in his own picturesque way at the World's Christian Endeavor convention in London in 1900. On the same platform in the Alexandra palace were the Bishop of London, Hugh Price Hughes, Dr. Greenough representing the Baptists, and Dr. Munroe Gibson the Presbyterians; while Dr. Floyd Tompkins, Dr. Maltbie D. Babcock, and other well known Americans added distinction to the platform.

"Each speaker was supposed to represent his own denomination, and Dr. Parker was naturally expected to speak for Congregationalism.

"It was a frightfully hot day; the sun beat down with relentless force upon the great glass roof. Dr. Parker perspired at every pore, and the water seemed to drip from every individual hair of his shaggy locks. In his thunderous tones he remarked after a few preliminary words, 'Mr. Chairman, I wouldn't be wet through for any ism in the world, but I will sweat anywhere for the cause of fellowship and brotherhood as represented in this splendid assembly.'"

In this three-fold statement of religious principles—"Deep religious devotion," "Service for all and all for service," "Fellowship with fidelity"—is sounded the keynote of present day religion.

Francis E. Clark was the founder of Christian Endeavor, and throughout its entire history he has directed its fortunes. He was president of the United Society of Christian Endeavor; he has kept pace with the successive enlargement of the work, and is now president of the World's Christian Endeavor Union. Five times he has circled the globe in its interests, and Christian people of all states and lands listen eagerly to his message. Dr. Clark is a prolific writer. In addition to his work as editor of the Christian Endeavor World he has written books of travel, of devotion and of practical Endeavor methods.