Page:Famous Living Americans, with Portraits.djvu/293

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274 FAMOUS LIVING AMERICANS great picture of humanity in A Hazard of New Fortunes^ the greatest American novel, shows us a message which is Ood- given, and critics should hesitate in their criticism of Mr. Howells for delivering it; they should rather give him the highest praise for the clear and flawless art of its presenta- tion which is due to the lifelong industry and the resulting constant readiness for the exercise of the writer's craft, to the character of the man and literary artist, William Dean Howells. BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS American Authors and their Homes, pp. 99-110. (Pott). By P. W. Halsey. Essays on Modem Novelists, pp. 56-81. (Macmillan). By Wm. L. Phelps. Famous Authors, pp. 11-25. (Page). By E. F. Harkins. PERIODICALS America's Foremost Living Man of Letters. Current LitercUure 52 :461. Career and Achievements of Howells. Independent 72:533. Howells: An Appreciation. By Mark Twain. Harper's 113:221. Literary and Social Recollections of Howells. By L. B. McCabe. Lippincott 40 :547. Literary Eecollections of Howells. By Henry James. North Amer- ican Review 195:558. Literary Recollections of Howells. By F. B. Sanborn. North Amer- ican Review 195 :562. Tribute to William Dean Howells on His Seventy-fifth Birthday. Harper's Weekly 56 :27, March 9, 1912. Turning Point of My Life. By William Dean Howells. Harper's Bazaar 44 :165.