Page:Famous Single Poems (1924).djvu/282

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Famous Single Poems

mention,” she writes, “if you will observe two conditions, first, that you will copy them from my books instead of from possibly garbled newspaper versions, and second, that you will credit the authorship to the name of Elizabeth Akers, which is the name given on all my title-pages, and the only one which I wish to be associated with my literary work.

“You mention a poem by the title of ‘The Old Story.’ I do not recall that I ever gave that title to any poem, but it is possible that I may have written something that might suggest that title, and some unco’ wise newspaper editor has taken the liberty of changing its name—a liberty that is sometimes taken with poems, but which is an affront to their authors, who may be supposed to know what name they prefer for their own work. If you will tell me the first two lines of ‘The Old Story’ I can at once decide whether the poem is mine. Of all things, I wish to avoid being credited with work that does not belong to me. It is even more unpleasant than seeing my own work stolen, as has happened many times.”

So even to the end of her days the old wrong rankled in her recollection. As her publishers remark, “Truth has outlived falsehood, and the unjust claims of other years are but a cruel memory.” But surely never did another poem so overshadow two lives!