Page:Famous Single Poems (1924).djvu/75

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A Visit from St. Nicholas

justly celebrated "Visit from St. Nicholas." I enclose it to you.

I hardly need call your attention to the distinctness and beauty of his handwriting—very remarkable considering his advanced age (he completed his 82d year in July last), and his much impaired eyesight.

These lines were composed for his two daughters as a Christmas present, about forty years ago. They were copied by a relative of Dr. Moore's in her Album, from which a copy was made by a friend of hers, from Troy, and, much to the surprise of the Author, were published (for the first time) in a newspaper of that city.

In an interview which I had yesterday with Dr. Moore, he told me that a portly, rubicund Dutchman, living in the neighborhood of his country seat, Chelsea, suggested to him the idea of making St. Nicholas the hero of this Christmas piece for his children.

I remain, very resp'y,

Your o'b't S't,
T. W. C. Moore.

This is the nearest approach, so far as known, to a statement as to the authorship of the poem made directly by Dr. Moore. But it is surely explicit enough and the autograph copy of the verses which accompanied it is signed by Dr. Moore as follows:

Clement C. Moore
1862, March 13th.
Originally written many years ago.