Page:Famous battle fought on the Sherriff Muir, on the 13th day of November, 1715.pdf/6

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Pretended Mar might
Give over to fight,
To the right of the army awa', man.
And we ran, &c.

There Lowrie, for fear
Of what he might hear,
Took Drummond's beſt horſe, and awa', manː
Inſtead of going to Perth,
He croſſed the Frith,
Alongſt Stirling-bridge, and awa', man.
And we ran, &c.

To London he preſt,
And there he addreſt,
That he behav'd beſt of them a', man;
And there, without ſtrife,
He ſettled for life,
With a hundred a-year to his fa', man.
And we ran, &c.

In Barrowſtounneſs
He reſides with diſgrace,
Till his neck ſtand in need of a draw, man,
And then in a teather
He'll ſwing from a ladder,
A go off the ſtage with a fa', man.
And we ran, &c.