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The famous History of

word, no harm ſhould came to him, he bid all keep ſilence, and waving his magic-wand, there preſently, to their great amazement enſued the moſt melodious muſic they had ever heard, which continued very raviſhing for near half an hour. Then waving his wand, another kind of muſic was heard, and preſently, dancers in antic ſhapes, at a maſquerade, entered the room; and having danced incomparably well, they vaniſhed. Waving his wand the third time, louder muſic was heard; and whilſt that played, a table was placed by an inviſible hand, richly ſpread with all the dainties that could be thought of: Then he deſired the King and Queen to draw their ſeats near, and partake of the repaſt he had prepared for their Highneſſes; which, after they had done, all vaniſhed. He waved the fourth time, and thereupon the place was perfumed with all the ſweets of Arabia, or that the whole world could produce. Then waving the fifth time, there came in Ruſſians. Perſians, and Polanders, dreſſed in the fineſt ſoft fur, ſilks, and downs of rare fowls, that are to he found in the univerſe, which he bid them feel; and then the ſtrangers having danced after their own country faſhion, vaniſhed.

In this ſort Friar Bacon pleaſed their five ſenſes, to their admiration and high ſatisfaction; ſo that the King offered him money, but he refuſed it, ſaying, He could not take it. However, the King preſſed on him a