Page:Famous history of the valiant London prentice.pdf/9

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Of their Attempts to destroy Aurelius, who overcomes them, and leaves them naked in a Wood.

THE plot being thus laid against our valiant youth, many ways were sought for an opportunity to put it into practice, until at last they understood he was gone to pay a visit to an aunt of his, who lived in a village about two miles from his father's house, and he must return by a wood. This lucky opportunity, as they imagined, made them all leap for joy, being four in number; they all armed themselves with mischievous weapons, and in disguise placed themselves in ambush under some trees, in the way he must pass, each swearing to the other to keep the thing secret; though they kept not their oaths, as you will hear.

Long they had not staid, but as they wished the valiant youth never dreaming of treachery,