Page:Famous stories from foreign countries.djvu/61

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sunset. He rejoiced. Under the low roof of prison, behind locked doors, he had conquered.

Chapter II.

Weeks passed.

Kli-r-r! Kli-rr-rr—This time the chains were clanging through the village of A—. Between rows of glittering bayonets appeared from time to time, a white face. The prisoners were being led to the place of execution. Even in daylight this clanging of chains was terrifying. Doors were quickly shut, windows closed. This sound was the terror of the land. It filled the streets, and made the hearts of the brave tremble. A crowd had accumulated about the square. There were judges, lawyers, court accountants. The superintendent was there too, and his helper.

“I did not do it. I am not to be blamed,” the superintendent kept whispering to himself. The judge turned to the prisoner.

“You are A— from the village of A—?”

“No; I am not from A—.”

“K— is your friend?”

“I do not know him.”

“Did you kill G— ?”

“Yes; he was my enemy.”

“You procured weapons and took them to S—?”

“No; I did not procure the weapons.”

The helper of the superintendent, who until then had listened indifferently, went up to the judge and