Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/106

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watches and chatelaines hung at the side; the high-heeled shoes had infinitesimal points. In 1760, gaudy brocades and lustring were fashionable materials.

EIZLER BERENGER. White cashmere skirt; blue tunic, embroidered in precious stones; blue body, hanging sleeves, tight satin sleeves beneath; coronet and white veil.

ELAINE (Idylls of the King). Long golden hair, flowing loosely; a band of gold with stars round head. Dress of rich gold brocade or cashmere, jewelled in front; the bodice comes almost to the throat, and is cut square; it fits figure to hips closely, where is a jewelled band; sleeves tight, with jewelled epaulette. Lily carried in one hand, and Lancelot's letter in the other; a shield on arm.

ELEANORE OF AUSTRIA (1515-1547, 2nd Wife of Francis I. of France). Skirt touching the ground, of brocade, or richly embroidered silk, satin, or velvet, bordered with gold or silver, opening to show front breadth of silver brocade, a jewelled girdle and pendant falling in the centre; the bodice stiff, coming to the waist, cut as low square, the front jewelled; puffed sleeves to wrist, over them large hanging sleeves, bordered with ermine; jewelled crown on head. Necklace of jewels.

ELEANOR OF CASTILLE (Daughter of Henry II., 12th century). Dress of rich green velvet, silk, or satin, embroidered with crosses, loose, girdled at the waist; regal mantle from shoulder; crown and embroidered veil.

ELECTRIC LIGHT WORN IN THE HAIR. This is now very much the fashion in such dresses as Morning and Evening Star, Will o' the Wisp, &c. The lights are attached to a small battery which is hidden in the hair.

ELEMENTS. (See Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.)

ELFRIDA, as an Anglo-Saxon Queen, wears a long loose robe of silk or cloth; the bodice and skirt cut in one, confined at the waist by a girdle, and bordered with gold; long hanging sleeves; a wimple or piece of linen wrapped about the throat; hair loose; the dress may be of cloth or silk; gold ornaments.

ELIZABETH, MADAME (Sister of Louis XVI.). A rich dress of the period. The hair powdered, turned