Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/118

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bands piped with red and white, over white chemisette; muslin cap; gold ornaments. French Fishgirl. Red and white striped skirt, navy-blue tunic à la laveuse; muslin-lace-edged apron with bib, fichu (the ends tucked into bib), and cap with red ribbons. Or for a Matelotte, the cap is replaced by sailor tarpaulin hat; the hair down. Bayonne Fishwife. Red skirt, edged with black velvet; black velvet low bodice, white linen sleeves; handkerchief over shoulders; red handkerchief round head; gold cross and earrings; fish basket. Scotch, Edinburgh, or Newhaven Fishwoman. Navy-blue under-skirt, one of yellow and white above, with three tucks, laveuse tunic of blue and white striped flannel; Garibaldi bodice of flowered chintz, the sleeves rolled to elbow; a coloured handkerchief round neck; short white linen apron, turned up and forming two pockets; a jacket of duffel, like a man's coat, tied by the sleeves round neck; muslin cap, with coloured handkerchief tied over it under chin; creel at back. Or, navy-blue and white underskirt, laveuse tunic of blue and white striped flannel; Garibaldi bodice of flowered chintz, the sleeves rolled to elbow, coloured handkerchief, with muslin cap (See Plate V., Fig. 20). All these dresses are short. Black shoes with high heels, and coloured bows and stockings are worn, and mittens or bare hands, gloves are out of place. A basket of fish at the back; a net slung round waist with fish attached. Fisher Girl. Skirt of reseda plush draped with a net, and fish attached; the bodice is trimmed with lobsters and crabs, the shoulders covered with seaweed, the whole skirt with crabs, starfish, and shells; the net tunic, with fish and coral, and with a lobster; hair flowing, seagull on shoulder. Fisherwoman of Zuyder Zee. Petticoat of brown or dark blue frieze, red apron with bib embroidered with floral designs pinned in front of a sleeveless jacket, to match the petticoat and hooked at the back; the under-skirt of striped calico, just visible at the back, the neck and arms covered with the same; close-fitting cap of coloured satin ornamented over the forehead with gold and silver tinsel cloth. Swedish Fish Girl. Wears a sugar-loaf hat of black velvet, gay coloured handkerchief or cape with a silver necklace worn over it; white linen Garabaldi with full white bishop sleeves to wrist; black velvet belt and shoulder straps, blue skirt, apron striped horizontally, grey stockings and black shoes. Calais Fish