Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/122

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FLOWERS. A fashionable evening dress trimmed with any flower, and called after it, is the easiest kind of fancy costume; a tulle veil with wreath is often worn with this, and china floral ornaments; a basket of the flowers carried in the hand. Sometimes the flower is imitated; as for example: Blue Belle, blue shoes, stockings, and short skirt cut in Vandykes, yellow bodice, cap like an inverted bell, with green stalk. Sometimes the dress is the colour of the flower, viz., a violet evening gown made up with silver gauze and green leaves for a Violet. Forget-me-not, blue satin dress, border of flowers, muslin fichu and cap, apron trimmed to match, blue hose, shoes, and mittens; or the dress is embroidered with wild flowers, wallflowers, apple-blossom, ivy, fern, snowdrop, la marguerite, heartsease, forget-me-nots, buttercups, or any flower perrsonated. Fleur d'ete, Fleur des Champs, and Oracle des Champs, can be rendered after these fashions; or if more of a fancy costume is desired, the lower part of skirt is gathered in diamonds, and outlined with silver or gold braid, or leaves and flowers; the bodice made à la Louis XV., and trimmed with gold or silver; an apron with bib, and a coquettish hat at one side of the head entwined with the particular flower. For Water-lily, see Water-nymph; for Rose, see R.; Pear and Apple Blossom, &c.

FLY. Black tulle dress, veiled with dark blue gauze; wings of the same; low bodice; a cap representing the head of fly.

FOG. Smoke coloured net, with silk bodice, and tulle scarf bound round figure; long grey gloves; shoes, hose, and fan, all deep grey.

FOG, YELLOW. Carried out in deep orange tulle, with one skirt of grey tulle thrown all over it; a veil of grey over orange tulle falling from the one shoulder; hose, shoes, and gloves orange.

FOLLOW MY LEADER (Storey's Picture). Red-coat bodice, with revers; wide silk band and sash about the waist; cocked hat and feathers; short blue skirt.

FOLLOW THE DRUM. Short dark blue skirt and jacket, braided with gold and red facings; three-cornered hat and long white feather; drum carried at side. (See Vivandiere.)

FOLLY, FUN. Short white satin skirt with plaited