Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/129

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velvet, brocade, or satin; diamonds, pearls, and old lace. A simpler style after this artist is a short, scanty, white muslin dress, with a flounce round the edge, blue sash with large bow at back; muslin fichu and cap bordered with frills; tight sleeves to wrist. (See Plate VI., Fig. 24.) Lady Barbara Yelverton (after Gainsborough). Wears a plain white muslin gown with short sleeves; ruched at the neck and elbows with bows of rose-coloured or blue ribbons; a large sash of corresponding colour tied round the waist; an elaborately-trimmed lace cap. A Grey Gainsboro', 1775. Upper skirt and bodice of pale grey ottoman; silk petticoat, pale coral broche velvet; hat of grey silk, with pale coral feathers.

GALATEA. Long white cashmere skirt, Indian muslin embroidered with a Greek scroll. A peplum of the same coming from the shoulders, forming points at the side, terminating in tassels, bordered with gold braid and fringe; armlets and bracelets with chains; gilt band round the head and waist, hair flowing.

GALICIAN MATRON. Skirt of dark coloured brocaded cloth in plaits a quarter of a yard wide; bodice buttoning in front, with a double turn-down cape, edged with narrow plaiting and buttons, showing white under-bodice, with two up standing frills, and many beads; bonnet made of same material with white lining in front, and revers of same material dress; tight sleeves to elbow.

GARDE CHAMPETRE. Short brown skirt draped with dark blue velvet; bodice of the same, high, and jacket-shaped with brass badge on the sleeve; high hat covered with birds; red necktie.

GARDENER'S DAUGHTER (Picture by Mdlle. Achilles Fould). Chiffonier's basket slung at back, with flowers therin; lace fichu tied carelessly round the neck; red woollen skirt; white muslin apron; black bodice loosely buttoned in front; white sleeves peeping below tight long ones; a bunch of flowers in the hand.

GAULEUSE DE POMME. Short petticoat of blue; over-skirt and bodice of white and chocolate stripe, with blue waistcoat cut low in front; white muslin short sleeves, pay-